منتديات مدارس طوخ الخاصة
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منتديات مدارس طوخ الخاصة
أهلاً بكم في منتـديات مدارس طوخ الخاصة
*ملحوظة: بعد التسجيل يجب تفعيل العضوية من الإيميل
منتديات مدارس طوخ الخاصة
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 Tips 4 studying Chemistry

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سارة أيمن

عدد المساهمات : 5871
العمر : 27
الموقع : --------------
العمل/الترفيه : طالبة
فصل : :'(
المزاج : disappointed
مزاجي اليوم : Tips 4 studying Chemistry 423871799
المهنة : Tips 4 studying Chemistry Studen10
الهواية : Tips 4 studying Chemistry Readin10
أوسمة العضو : Tips 4 studying Chemistry Oooo-o10
نقاط : 30532
السٌّمعَة : 201
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/12/2008

Tips 4 studying Chemistry Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Tips 4 studying Chemistry   Tips 4 studying Chemistry Emptyالجمعة سبتمبر 30, 2011 12:40 am

There is no 'magic formula' for learning chemistry. Basically it involves not getting behind, doing your own work, and not psyching yourself out:

Don't procrastinate!
Cramming does not equal learning. Yes, yes, I am a hypocrite... the queen of putting-off-until-tomorrow. Take it from someone with experience: if you wait until the night before a test to start studying you will suffer, your grades will suffer, etc.

Don't Procrastinate
It's worth repeating! In chemistry you build from one concept onto the next. You need a solid knowledge base to progress.

Try Flash Cards
Hey, they are used in elementary and primary school because FLASHCARDS WORK. Some of the information gets learned while making the cards and the rest can be learned during practice. You get to switch around the order in which you view topics, which is something most notebooks don't provide. Get some index cards and give it a try!

Try a Highlighter
Use it judiciously. The goal is not to turn your book or notes fluorescent. Most texts already have important concepts in bold typeface. Unless your teacher is very unusual, he or she will almost always mention likely test questions, answers, and concepts. Highlight them! Some teachers take questions from a test bank, but those who write their own are usually keeping a mental tally of concepts while teaching.

Know Your Text
Do you have a glossary? Answers to problems in the back? Self-quizzes? Appendices full of useful information?
Find that out sooner rather than later. Use the glossary. You can't communicate about a subject without learning the terminology.

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